TED to Pitch Smart Factory Solutions at Robot Event

Tokyo Electron Device Corp. (TED) has announced it will exhibit a system that automates manual work at factories and logistics sites at ROBOT TECHNOLOGY JAPAN 2024 under the theme “Automating Human-Dependent Processes”.

ROBOT TECHNOLOGY JAPAN 2024 will happen at Aichi Sky Expo (Aichi International Exhibition Center) from July 4 (Thu) ~ July 6 (Sat) 2024.

Reducing Human-Dependent Tasks

There are still many human-dependent tasks” in the manufacturing process and logistics sites of factories. To reduce the burden on frontline workers who face issues such as a shortage of human resources, TED offers the process management platform “TriMath” and other products under the theme of “automating human-dependent processes.”

As a result, it has become possible to automate and centrally manage multiple tasks that were difficult in the past. Also, it enables to respond to various human-dependent tasks.

At the show, the company will display products that have been adopted in factories and have a high return on investment.

Main Exhibits

・Process control platform TriMath

TED will introduce TriMath products, a process management platform that solves the problems of human-dependent work processes in factory manufacturing processes and logistics sites. The company will make a video demonstration using a vision robot at its booth (C59 in Hall C).

・Anomaly Detection and Equipment Diagnosis System CX-D

Particularly, CX-D is an equipment diagnosis system that collects, visualizes, and detects anomalies using artificial intelligence AI. It enables predictive maintenance and quality improvement in the manufacturing industry.

Mainly, the company will promote digital transformation (DX) in factories with edge computing.

・Counting instruments and parts counters

This is a system that assists in the counting of relatively small parts through image processing. Specifically, it will greatly improve the counting work that was previously performed manually; such as when receiving parts at the parts warehouse, when dispensing parts, and when taking inventory of inventory parts. Visitors can also personally try the counting process.

This is an online translation of a release in Japanese with slight editing made by Dempa.

– 24 June 2024-