Sodick to Market New Femtosecond Laser Machine

Sodick Co., Ltd. has developed the LSP4040 linear motor-driven femtosecond laser processing machine and will start accepting orders beginning Nov. 2024. Primarily, LSP4040 is a precision microfabrication machine for difficult-to-process materials such as high-performance, high-hardness, and brittle materials.

LSP4040 linear motor-driven femtosecond laser processing machine

Specifically, the development was based on the fundamental research on femtosecond lasers for more than a dozen years in the research field. With the new tool, together with Sodick’s LSP5070 linear motor-driven femtosecond laser processing machine announced in 2023, the company aims to respond to the diversifying needs of customers. Specifically, LSP5070 suits large, high-precision, and difficult-to-process applications.

Femtosecond laser oscillators are customized according to customer requirements.

Femtosecond lasers have a short pulse width, so irradiation can be completed faster than transferring heat to the workpiece. Thus, it is less likely to crack or debris (deposited after the scattered material has cooled and solidified) due to thermal shadow. Additionally, it can process a wide range of materials. These range from brittle materials such as ceramics and optical glass to high-hardness materials such as diamond and cemented carbide. Basically, these materials are all used in manufacturing sites.

Also, in response to various laser specifications required by each industry, Sodick can incorporate laser oscillators that meet customer’s needs. Thus, this customized equipment specification does not limit the laser oscillators to be installed.

Equipment Features

  • Customized laser oscillator

Please specify the desired laser manufacturer and laser specifications, such as IR, Gr, and UV 3-wavelength lasers, high-power lasers, and high-frequency lasers.

  • AI path optimization function

In the case of a machining shape that exceeds the scan field, the XY axis is moved in a step. The shortest path within the scan range is derived by the company’s dedicated CAM “LS-F” to shorten the machining time.

  • Equipped with a tornado-type dust collection nozzle

To recover the metal vapor generated during laser processing, a tornado airflow is generated around the processing point to recover the metal vapor and stabilize the processing quality.

  • Suppression of optical axis misalignment

If the ambient temperature changes, the laser optical path components may be thermally deformed, causing optical axis misalignment. To suppress this, the inside of the cover is enclosed, and the processing quality is maintained by a precision air conditioner that controls ±0.1°C.

  • On-board measurement function

In addition to a CCD camera for positioning the workpiece, a laser displacement sensor is installed in the head section, making it possible to measure the shape after processing on the machine.

Processing Example

In the shape processing of nanopolycrystalline diamond tools, the processing time has been reduced from several tens of hours to about 1 hour while maintaining the quality of the conventional processing method (*Processing with a tool grinding machine).

This is an online translation of a Japanese press release with slight editing made by Dempa.

-16 September 2024-