Universal Robots Launches New Software Platform for Automation

Universal Robots, the Danish collaborative robot developer, launched a brand-new, innovative software platform PolyScope X at automatica 2023. Specifically, PolyScope X was developed for machine tending tasks. It features a new, customizable user interface. Accordingly, PolyScope X adds new levels of flexibility to high-mix, low-volume machine tending automation.

PolyScope X has a new, customizable user interface, adding new levels of flexibility to high-mix, low-volume machine tending automation.

Also, with PolyScope X, machine shop operators achieve changeover times of less than 10 minutes. This is far below what is possible today with any other software. Also, this empowers users to run more batches in a day and in a more strategic and flexible way. Therefore, PolyScope X is ideal for high-mix, low-volume production. It was introduced at a time when manufacturers all over the world are looking for increased flexibility to handle shifting and increasingly diverse orders.

At the same time, PolyScope X implements a powerful reworked programming experience and toolset. Accordingly, this enables integrators and OEM partners to structure their program code into operations that can be reused throughout the program. This makes each operation simpler to understand, maintain, and troubleshoot.

“PolyScope X is a landmark development in machine tending automation. The simplicity of the user interface and the much faster changeover times will provide manufacturers with a whole new set of possibilities for how to automate their machine tending tasks. Also, it will allow them to break some of the barriers that are holding them back today. I wouldn’t hesitate to call it a game-changer for the industry, especially for those who have a high-mix, low-volume production,” says Anders Billesø Beck, Universal Robot’s Vice President for Strategy & Innovation.

Built and Developed with Customers, Partners

Throughout the process of developing PolyScope X, the UR team involved its customers and partners. For example, a prototype of the software was shown at IMTS in 2022. Together with beta-testers, this provided valuable feedback for the team.

“PolyScope X is a perfect example of how we approach innovation at Universal Robots,” says Beck. “We want to include our partners and end-customers right from the start, making sure we understand the full scope of the challenges our customers are facing. For me, this is an essential part of creating this new product and we are confident as a result that it will help our customers to grow and reach their full potential.”