Huawei to Offer Best Tech for Malaysia's Big DX Surge

Malaysia’s accelerated efforts to integrate advanced digital technologies took center stage at a recent Huawei Malaysia symposium. Specifically, it tackled cloud computing and intelligent vehicles into the electric vehicle (EV) and smart manufacturing sectors.

Huawei Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Huawei Malaysia) Huawei Malaysia Automotive Industrial Executive Symposium, hosted by recently.

Meeting Challenges

In his welcome speech, Mr Andy Wei, Vice President of Huawei Cloud in Malaysia lauded the Malaysian Government’s policies. Accordingly, the initiatives have been a major driver of the automotive industry in Malaysia. Specifically, Wei cited the Government’s intention of installing 10,000 EV public charging points by next year, 2025.

“To meet these goals, there are several challenges we have to collectively face. The most important is a lack of infrastructure to support Malaysia’s advancement in new energy vehicles. Such as the wide availability of charging stations. We also need to integrate cloud computing and IoT technologies and facilitate stronger collaboration within the automotive supply chain.”

Mr Andy Wei, Vice President of Huawei Cloud in Malaysia, emphasised digital transformation in Malaysia’s automotive industry during his welcome speech at the Huawei Malaysia Automotive Industrial Executive Symposium.

In addition, Wei said that as a leading global provider of information and communications technology, Huawei Malaysia will continue to leverage its extensive global portfolios. At the same time, its local experience to meet the new needs and challenges of Malaysia’s automotive sector.

“Huawei Malaysia is confident of making significant contributions to connectivity and digitalization of the industry.” Moreover, Wei cited Huwei’s mature technologies and solutions, and experience gained through partnerships with major local automotive players.

Infrastructure for Smart Manufacturing

Huawei Malaysia addressed the infrastructure needed for smart manufacturing. Thus, it showcased its advanced smart automotive industry solutions in two detailed sessions. Shen Xianbo, General Manager of Smart Automotive Industry Solution, Huawei Cloud; and ‘HMS for Car: Global Automation Intelligent Solution’ by Mr Wubin, Vice President of Cloud Service Outbound Business and Solution, Huawei Consumer were the presenters. Accordingly, both sessions demonstrated how cloud services can drive innovation across the automotive industry.

In addition, the symposium featured prominent speakers who covered diverse topics related to critical areas across the automotive value chain. For one, the Federation of Motor & Credit Companies Association of Malaysia (FMCCAM) offered key insights into the resilience and prospects of the Malaysian automotive industry. Meanwhile, Geely Auto’s presentation, underscored Malaysia’s pivotal role in the global automotive supply chain.

ACO Tech, a Malaysian company specializing in Connected Cars applications and solutions, shared its vision for the future of mobility through intelligent connected vehicle solutions in its session ‘Driving the Future of Mobility’.

Similarly, Yonyou Malaysia, a leading Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software and Cloud Service Provider in Asia, focused on enhancing operational efficiency across critical automotive operations with its presentation, ‘Global Digital Solution for Automotive Industry’.

28 August 2024