JSR to Expand its Photoresists With New Korea Line

JSR Corporation has decided to establish a new photoresist development base in Japan in order to expand its R&D activities. In addition, the company also aims to strengthen its global electronic materials business.

The company has further decided to build a semiconductor photoresist plant at its local subsidiary, JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd. (JMK). Therefore, strengthening further its activities and functions in Korea.

Fortifies Global Reach

Since the acquisition of Inpria Corporation of the United States in 2021, the company has been promoting the commercialization of Metal Oxide Resist (MOR). Moreover, it is also promoting the most advanced photoresist for EUV, on a global scale. In Japan, JSR has recently decided to establish a new R&D center for MOR in the Kanto area. Here, it will be easier to respond to global customers and collaborate with partner companies.

In addition, the company also has a Fine Electronic Materials Development Center located in Yokkaichi Plant.
The plant in Korea, slated to start construction this fall, will execute the final production process for MOR. Conversely, major customers in Korea highly consider MOR for adoption. Thus, JSR’s investment will ensure local quality assurance and manufacturing capacity.

The plant is likely to start operation in 2026.

For that reason, JSR aims to continue actively promoting the development of fundamental technologies. Specifically, for cutting-edge photoresists including MOR. As such, the company will be in a better position to support its customers by establishing a commercial production process.

Essential to Semiconductor Production

Using technologies cultivated through the development of polymer materials, JSR develops and supplies many global leading products. Among them are lithography materials, CMP materials, process materials, and packaging materials. Conversely, these are essential to the production of semiconductor chips.

The company’s LCD materials and next-generation display materials are critical in the production of LCD and OLED displays. Moreover, they also supply UV-curable resins used in 3D printing.

20 September 2024