Taiwan-Japan Seminar Tackles Next-Gen EV Technologies

In recent years, countries around the world have successively established clear targets and policy directions for achieving net zero carbon emissions, with the phase-out of conventional fuel vehicles becoming a key policy focus. This has prompted major car manufacturers to actively engage in the research and production of electric vehicles.

Japan, as a technology leader in conventional fuel vehicles, is also rethinking how to “redefine automotive performance, value, and driving experience” in the face of the electric vehicle wave. Meanwhile, Taiwan, having played a significant role in industries such as 3C (computers, communications, and consumer electronics) and semiconductors, and possessing strong integration capabilities in software and hardware technologies, has the opportunity to leverage its advantages as the development of intelligence and connectivity reshapes the future of the automotive industry.

To further enable domestic businesses to better understand the current trends in the Japanese automotive industry, drive the forward-looking technological development of Taiwanese semiconductor and smart electronics manufacturers, and expand opportunities for international exchanges and business matchmaking, the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs will host the “Taiwan-Japan Next Generation Electric Vehicles Technology Seminar” on May 19, 2023, from 14:00 to 17:00 Taiwan time. Through this exchange between Taiwan and Japan, the seminar aims to assist both sides in creating potential opportunities for technological cooperation, allowing Taiwanese manufacturers to secure a place in the electric vehicle supply chain and enhance Taiwan’s visibility in the global automotive market.

More details about the seminar can be found in this link.   

近幾年來,各國相繼訂出淨零碳排的明確目標與政策方向,淘汰傳統燃油車成為重點政策,促使各大車廠積極進行電動車的研發與生產。日本作為傳統燃油車的技術領先者,在面對電動車浪潮的衝擊下,也重新思考如何從「軟體重新定義汽車性能、價值與駕駛體驗」;臺灣過去在3C、半導體等產業扮演舉足輕重的角色,且在軟硬體技術的整合能力極強,因此當智慧化與聯網化的發展重新定義未來汽車產業時,臺灣的優勢將有機會在此發揮。 為使國內業者進一步了解日本汽車產業當前發展趨勢,帶動我國半導體與智慧電子領域廠商之前瞻技術發展,擴增國際交流與商機媒合之機會,經濟部工業局將於2023年5月19日台灣時間14:00-17:00辦理「Taiwan-Japan Next Generation Electric Vehicles Teconology」,希望藉由本次臺日雙方的交流,幫助臺日雙方創造潛在技術合作之機會,使臺廠在電動車供應鏈佔有一席之地,提升臺灣在全球車用市場之能見度。