Rapidus, Fraunhofer Team up for High Tech IC Packaging

Rapidus Corporation and Fraunhofer IZM have joined forces for advanced packaging solutions for 2nm node high performance computing modules.

Rapidus is Japan’s high-end microelectronics manufacturer founded in 2022. Meanwhile, Fraunhofer IZM is a world-leading research institute for advanced microelectronic packaging.

Thus, the partnership will enable Rapidus to work with Fraunhofer IZM on packaging technology to mount its 2nm chips.

High Performance Computing Module © Adopted and translated from:

Fruitful Cooperation

Rapidus is building a fab on the island of Hokkaido in Japan to manufacture 2nm node microchips and the related high-end performance package. Specifically, METI, Japan‘s ministry of economy, trade, and industry, has recently approved Rapidus‘ plan for research and development of 2nm semiconductor integration.

In fact, METI has given a boost to the 2nm chip facility and R&D of Rapidus with a second round of pledge of up to 590 billion yen. Earlier, METI pledged up to 330 billion yen in support for Rapidus. Thus, when combined with the current support, the maximum amount of support will be close to 1 trillion yen.

Complementing Rapidus’ momentum, Fraunhofer IZM has announced cooperation with one of the most important topics in the future. Specifically, realizing modules for 5G communications, autonomous driving, or high-performance computing.

Dr. A Koike (President of Rapidus Corp., 3rd fr. right) and Prof. Dr. M. Schneider-Ramelow (Director of Fraunhofer IZM, 4th fr. right) © Fraunhofer IZM

Dr. Michael Schiffer, project leader at Fraunhofer IZM, said, the recent meeting they had with Rapidus President Dr. Atsuyoshi Koike was very inspiring. During the meeting, Dr. Koike emphasized the importance of developing the most advanced node chip technology. Moreover, Dr. Schiffer said they have also agreed on the need for a highly advanced packaging technology to enable overall best-in-class performance.

“I‘m really looking forward to a fruitful cooperation with full commitment by everyone involved,” said Dr. Schiffer.

Cutting Edge Facility

The construction of Rapidus’ 2nm facility and beyond in Chitose, Japan is currently ongoing. Consequently, Rapidus has been dispatching researchers to the Albany Nanotech Complex in New York, United States, one of the world’s most advanced semiconductor research centers, to work with IBM. Particularly, they aim to develop technologies for the production of 2nm logic semiconductors.

The company is also planning to acquire EUV lithography technology from imec. Accordingly, this is essential to produce cutting-edge semiconductors. Utilizing these technologies, the company plans to start a pilot production line at IIM-1 in April 2025, and begin mass production in 2027.

Rapidus will contribute to the enhancement of Japan’s industrial strength realizing a state-of-the-art LSI foundry by building cooperative frameworks with domestic and overseas materials and equipment industries, as well as international collaborations with IBM, imec, and other partners.

10 May 2024