Hirose to Start Operation of New Koriyama Plant

Following the completion of the new Koriyama Plant last June, Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. starts full-scale operation of the said plant this month. In relation, a completion ceremony for the new plant was also held.

The Deputy Director Sakaino of the Fukushima Prefectural Regional Promotion Bureau and the Mayor of Shinagawa from Koriyama City attended the ceremony.

Ribbon cutting during the completion ceremony
Exterior of the building

The new Koriyama Plant is in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture in Japan. Since May, Hirose Electric has been moving equipment from the former Koriyama Plant to the new manufacturing plant.

In 2019, a major flood damaged the old Koriyama Plant. Along this light, the company built a new one to secure a stable product supply system to its customers. Also, Hirose Electric plans to increase capacity to expand sales for the general industrial machinery market, such as smart factories and social infrastructure, and for the automotive market, which is growing at an accelerated pace, such as autonomous driving.

Environmental Measures

The company has implemented thorough energy savings in building equipment. Accordingly, it has achieved energy savings of 50% in office building equipment and 30% in factory building equipment.

In addition, it has acquired Zero Energy Building (ZEB) certification through BELS for energy creation through solar power generation.

Solar panel installation on the roof

Future Initiatives

Focusing on in-vehicle and industrial machinery, the company aims to achieve significantly advanced manufacturing.

-08 July 2024-