ASMPT’s New LED Die Bonder to Suit Production Needs

ASMPT, which supplies hardware and software for semiconductor and electronics manufacturing, presents Vortex II, a high-performance die bonder. Specifically, the machine plays a crucial role in producing mini LED displays, such as those used in the automotive industry.
According to Jonathan Ku, Senior Director of Business Development at ASMPT, high-resolution, ergonomic LED displays in modern cars ensure drivers have all important and safety-relevant information in view at all times. “This is where very small LEDs are used, which have to be assembled highly precisely and reliably – because customers from the automotive industry do not accept reworked products. It is exactly for such demanding tasks that we designed and developed Vortex II.”

Vortex II, the high-performance LED die bonder for ultra-fine pitch direct view displays, revolutionizing visual experiences in modern vehicles. Image source: ASMPT

Innovative bond head

The highly innovative die bonder can process Mini LEDs with a minimum size of 2 mil × 4 mil (50 µm × 100 µm). For example, for direct view RGB LED displays with ultra-fine pitch. The machine uses a newly developed bond head with automatic delay-free XYθ correction. The precision of XY placement can achieve ± 10 µm @ 3σ, with a die rotation of ± 1° @ 3σ.

Highly effective bin mixing

Process stability and high one-pass rates, even at maximum throughput, are guaranteed by an automatic correction function combined with ASMPT’s patented bond head technology. The light-up yield is up to 99.999 percent. Thanks to fully automatic RGB wafer handling, this enables one-stop production and highly effective bin mixing and therefore uniform screen colors.
Vortex II is also ‘ready for Industry 4.0 system architectures’ through automation with ASMPT’s In-Line Linker System. Thus, enabling efficient material handling, a specialized system that allows seamless integration of high-precision bonding systems into automated manufacturing processes.”