Hitachi High-Tech Rolls New Facility for Chip Manufacturing Equipment

Hitachi High-Tech Corporation announces the construction of a new production facility in Kasado Area of Kudamatsu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture in Japan with production scheduled to begin in FY2025. Specifically, the new facility aims to increase the production capacity of etching systems for its semiconductor manufacturing equipment business.

The new facility will double production capacity through digitalized and automated production lines. It will cater to the ever-increasing demand for semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Also, the facility will be carbon neutral. This is in line with Hitachi High-Tech’s goal to achieve carbon neutrality in all its business sites by FY2027, to realize a decarbonized society.

Rendering: New production facility of Hitachi High-Tech Kasado Area

Hitachi High-Tech creates new value and solves customer issues by shortening development times, reducing costs, and increasing productivity. These objectives aim to contribute to sustainable industrial development supporting a digital society.

Overview of Construction of the New Production Facility

Semiconductor-related markets are expected to continue to grow and expand as society becomes increasingly digital through practical applications of AI and IoT, and technical innovations such as 5G communications and automated driving.

Mainly, the new production facility will double Hitachi High-Tech’s current production capacity by promoting digitalized and automated production lines. This includes the introduction of manufacturing verification in a virtual space to improve production efficiency and accelerate mass production in response to demand fluctuations. In addition to achieving carbon neutrality through renewable energy, it aims to reduce power consumption through energy-saving initiatives such as the proactive adoption of solar power and power monitoring systems.

In addition, the construction of the new production facility in Kasado Area will enable Hitachi High-Tech to provide solutions by integrating products with digital technology through co-creation with customers. Thus, it can help customers move fast and be successful in cutting-edge businesses while working to improve QoL (Quality of Life) for people.

Hitachi High-Tech has formulated its “Sustainability 2030” declaration to create societal issue-driven value. It is working to realize its 2024 Mid-Term Management Plan, formulated by using backcasting from its Stated Aims for 2030. The company will continue to strengthen its ability to flexibly respond to changes and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by solving social issues utilizing its core Observation, Measurement, and Analysis technologies.