The new product laser soldering unit ULD-02 has enhanced the control and optimization of the soldering process compared to conventional product. By adopting a unique temperature control method and by combining a radiation thermometer and laser output, it can simultaneously monitor and control the laser output and temperature during soldering. The temperature during soldering is visualized and can be saved as log data, which can later be used as soldering process management data. In addition, the personal computer software Soldering Manager enables editing laser output conditions, acquiring log data during soldering, and saving video during soldering. It has realized the visualization of the soldering process.
The UNIX-GF Series constitutes a Gantry soldering platform that can flexibly handle soldering processes and workpiece shapes. It inherits the ease of use of desktop robots developed by the company. It is an orthogonal-type robot with four axes for soldering iron and three axes for soldering laser and has an option for extra two axes. It comes together with an easy instruction program for soldering similar to that of the desktop soldering robot, which is one of the major products of the company. Selection is possible among various options such as changing the shaft length, image processing, thermometer, QR scanner, etc. In addition, by using the Soldering Manager soldering robot control software the company has developed, it can display its operation procedure, monitor the soldering process, and save operation logs.
The new product laser soldering unit ULD-02 has enhanced the control and optimization of the soldering process compared to conventional product. By adopting a unique temperature control method and by combining a radiation thermometer and laser output, it can simultaneously monitor and control the laser output and temperature during soldering. The temperature during soldering is visualized and can be saved as log data, which can later be used as soldering process management data. In addition, the personal computer software Soldering Manager enables editing laser output conditions, acquiring log data during soldering, and saving video during soldering. It has realized the visualization of the soldering process.