Silicon Technology Creates New Magneto-Optical Crystal

Tokyo-based Carlit Co., Ltd. announced that its consolidated subsidiary Silicon Technology Corp. has established a stable technology to produce high-purity, high-quality yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12, hereinafter “YIG”) single crystals. Accordingly, it entered the magneto-optical material business.

Silicon Technology was established in 1995 in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Since then, it has been engaged in the integrated production of silicon materials for semiconductors. Basically, this ranges from the growth of silicon single crystal using the CZ pulling method to mirror wafer processing and cleaning. Also, the company produces silicon materials in an integrated manner. Thus, utilizing these silicon single-crystal growth technologies, Silicon Technology is now expanding its business into the field of magneto-optical materials.

Silicon Tech
The stable production of “yttrium iron garnet” single crystal (prototype) becomes possible.

About Magneto-optical Material “YIG”

YIG is garnet-type ferrite crystal with magnetic property and features excellent optical and microwave properties. Primarily, communications equipment, such as isolators and circulators, use single crystals or magneto-optical materials, like YIG.

Mainly, it is indispensable for faster communication speeds and increased information volume in the current information society; for instance, for the 5G wireless communications technology, which is now becoming widespread for the development of next-generation 6G communications.

Today, 6G is expected to expand to all locations, including sea, air and space in addition to land. Moreover, it is likely to be an area for market growth in the future.

Background of Entry into Magneto-optical Materials Field

As an indispensable material for the progress of the information society, YIG single crystals are in demand for their high quality and stable performance. However, YIG single crystals require the establishment of a stable production technology and the maintenance of high quality, which are extremely difficult. Particularly, the floating zone (FZ) method aims to support the growth of YIG single crystals.

The production of high-purity single crystals has now become possible by Silicon Technology’s proprietary process. Moreover, the company has successfully established and commercialized an integrated process from the generation of a YIG single crystal to wafer fabrication, similar to that used for silicon wafer products.

Future Prospects

Effective October 1, 2024, Silicon Technology will merge with Carlit Co., Ltd. The company is considering developing services such as prototype development of single-crystal materials and contract melting of crystal materials, in addition to single-crystal sales. To this end, it leverages single-crystal growth technology and integrated production process up to wafer fabrication. Accordingly, it will continue to improve its technological capabilities by responding to various needs and requests without being bound by the framework of semiconductor and magneto-optical materials.

The Carlit Group will continue contributing to the development of cutting-edge technologies in Japan under the slogan, “To contribute to a sustainable society by combining the power of ‘chemistry’ and ‘technology’ to support people’s happy lives.”

-20 August 2024-