Sumitomo Chemical Tech Results in Better Displays

The Sumitomo Chemical Group has commercialized its transparent glass LED display, a product for next-generation communication, at Dongwoo Fine-Chem Co., Ltd. Particularly, the wholly owned subsidiary in South Korea has started sales of the new display in the country.

This is a new business of the Group developed by leveraging the microfabrication technology it has cultivated for display materials. Among them are touch sensors. Moreover, the Group aims to achieve sales revenue of several billion yen by the late 2020s from this business.

The Group positions the ICT and mobility solutions business as one of its growth engines. Furthermore, it will actively strive to expand the product lineup and areas of the business by taking advantage of its unique technologies.

Transparent glass LED display used on an electric bus

Stirs Smart Society

The transparent display is a display device that places a light source on a transparent substrate made of plastics or glass. Thus, allowing the viewer to look at the content displayed on the screen while also seeing the background through it. There is a major difference between the transparent display and a conventional display. When installed, the transparent display does not obstruct the surrounding scenery or the viewer’s field of vision. For that reason, it is possible to generate demand for the transparent display across a wide range of applications. Among them are next-generation mobility components, including those for electric vehicles, and construction materials for commercial buildings.

The transparent glass LED display commercialized by the Sumitomo Chemical Group achieves high light transmittance and high-resolution video imaging. Specifically, by utilizing the unique microfabrication technology the Group has cultivated for touch sensors. Also included are other display materials handled by Dongwoo Fine-Chem.
In addition, by using a glass-type substrate, the transparent glass LED display achieves higher resistance to physical damage, such as from impact, as well as to chemical damage, such as from combustion, compared to film-type displays. Various designs can also be employed for the display to suit customer needs.

Applications of the transparent glass LED display

Dongwoo Fine-Chem has started sales of digital signage using the transparent glass LED display for use on electric bus windows in South Korea this year. It also plans to expand the transparent glass LED display into various applications, such as mobility, indoor and outdoor signage, and exterior building walls.

The Sumitomo Chemical Group will continue to provide solutions that contribute to the development of next-generation communication technologies. Among them are innovative display materials and high-speed communication antenna materials, with the aim of achieving a smart society.

19 September 2024