JUKI Corporation has recently introduced its innovative multitask platform, the “JM-E01,” in Japan and internationally. This groundbreaking platform combines the insertion of large, irregular-shaped components and automated screw-fastening processes into a single unit, addressing crucial post-surface mounting needs for electronic board manufacturing.
Historically, manual insertion of complex components has posed challenges due to an aging workforce, skill shortages, and quality inconsistencies caused by human error. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological innovation has led to a growing demand for versatility in component handling and increased production efficiency.
The newly developed JM-E01 is a first in the industry,*¹ utilizing JUKI’s proprietary XY-axis construction [refined over years of expertise in mounting technology] to enable high-speed, precision insertion of irregular components. The JM-E01 uniquely automates both component insertion and screw-fastening in a single unit, setting a new industry standard.
Since launching its line of irregular component inserters in 2011, JUKI has continued to expand its offerings to meet the evolving needs of the market. The JM-E01 is equipped with a comprehensive range of nozzles and feeders, enabling it to handle a variety of large components—including aluminum electrolytic capacitors and coils up to 90mm in height and 80mm in body size—with exceptional accuracy and speed. By automating these post-processes, the JM-E01 eliminates the need for manual handling, enhancing quality and efficiency. Furthermore, the platform seamlessly integrates with existing surface-mounting and component management processes, enabling real-time visualization of operating conditions across production lines and contributing to smart factory initiatives.
With “JUKI Smart Solutions” as its guiding theme, JUKI is committed to addressing challenges at its customers’ production sites, supporting the construction of flexible, high-efficiency production lines, and advancing automation and digital transformation in the manufacturing industry.
*1 October 2024, our survey
*ERP: Company Resource Planning (Enterprise Resources Planning)
*MES: Manufacturing Execution (Manufacturing Execution System)
27 December 2024